Patrons are the champions of The Official Trump or Biden Website.

Patrons provide The Official Trump or Biden Website with invaluable support and enable us to maintain this platform, help our mission to promote President Trump and President Biden, and to encourage voter turnout.

Trump 50%
Trump 50%
Biden 50%
Biden  50%

Here is a list of our esteemed Patrons:

Last Updated: September 13th, 2024

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Donald J. Trump for President 2024

Joe Biden for President

Become a Patron

We're grateful for your gift and look forward to bringing you more entertainment and news on The Official Trump or Biden Website.

Thanks to your sponsorship, we will be able to continue developing The Website, reviewing comments, and more!

What motivates us is being able to help supporters of President Trump and President Biden express themselves on a platform that unites them. It's a win-win!

If you use the website or simply find the project valuable, we'll be grateful for your patronage!