The Official Trump or Biden website

Hello 👋, and welcome to The Official Trump or Biden Website!


President Donald J. Trump and President Joe R. Biden are forever tied together in glorious American history thanks to the incredible 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, and now the upcoming 2024 U.S. Presidential Election (only 52 days to go).

Two of history's most accomplished presidents deserve more than just one popular vote every four years.

That's why we're super excited to present The Official Trump Or Biden Website to patriots and fans like you! Now, you don't have to wait until November 5th, 2024 to show your support for your favorite U.S. President.

The Official Trump or Biden website allows patrons to express who they think will win the next U.S. Presidency by purchasing limited-edition Pixel Blocks to advertise on the frontpage of this Official Website, and then submitting a vote.

As Vanity Fair magazine recently said about the upcoming President Trump and President Biden rematch: Familiar characters and settings can be comforting.

President Donald Trump loving the launch of The Official Trump or Biden Website

Why Advertise with Us (Hint: Google Trends)

As the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election gets closer, the election will dominate news cycles around the world, and everyone will be Googling "Trump or Biden" (or "Biden or Trump").

For reference, in 2020, the number one search term on Google for the entire year was Election Results, and the number news item queried was also Election Results.

In 2016, the eighth most popular search term on Google was Trump, and in 2020, the number one person searched was Joe Biden.

Will history repeat itself in 2024 with the U.S. Presidential election, President Trump, and President Biden being the most important and popular news items?

Of course it will.

How it Works

When you advertise with The Official Trump or Biden Website, you are siding with, and supporting, one of America's most popular presidents in history.

You can't lose.

And... you'll be helping others. Proceeds will help fund the campaign of the Presidential candidate of your choice, and fund non-profits that help encourage voting. It’s a win-win situation!

The price to advertise is $100 per limited-edition Pixel Block. Each limited-edition Pixel Block is composed of 40 x 40 pixels.

For a mere $100, you can show the universe your appreciation for President Trump or President Biden (or other), and promote your business for hundreds of days, from today until the U.S. Presidential Election on November 5th, 2024 (plus four years).

With 52 days until the Election, the price to advertise to our highly-engaged target market comes out to $1.92 per day (yep, just 192 cents per day.).

But we're throwing in an extra four years, so the price to advertise until November 5, 2028 (four years after The Election), actually comes down to just 7 cents per day!

What if it were possible for you to invest a small amount of money and time, and get a tremendous result?

Thanks to The Official Trump or Biden Website, there will be - when you advertise with us!

Update: We now offer cheaper advertising options, some for as little as $25.

President Joe Biden loves The Official Trump or Biden Website


Patrons can buy as many limited-edition Pixel Blocks as they would like (subject to availability).

Each limited-edition Pixel Block purchased also entitles you to submit a link to your website, and your preference for President Trump, President Biden, or other.

At the end of each day, the tally for each choice will be updated.

With your help, together we can visualize admiration for these two incredible Presidents, help create a leading indicator of presidential sentiment, and stitch together a beautiful piece of modern digital art.

So how do you proceed? Well, thanks for asking (and YAY!).

We use PayPal to help facilitate payments.

Once your payment has been processed, you will be contacted for your artwork, website link, and candidate preference details (President Trump, President Biden, or other).

Once your image and URL have been approved, your creative will be added to the homepage.

The Official Trump or Biden Website will be active until the end of the 2024 Presidential Election, and beyond (we're thinking until November 5, 2028, minimum).

Thank you for your support, and for joining this exciting endeavor.

Finally, here is a link to our FAQs page that we encourage patrons to review first.